Recently I have been conbritubting many hours of photography to the global effort of documenting and characterizing the comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring). This comet will be passing very close to Mars in October. Observations of this comet are useful to agencies such as NASA who have hardware orbiting Mars. Today I published a fun little video of images from just one night, the 24th August. You can see it at Vimeo below.
More of info and pictures of C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) – click here.
Comet C2013 A1 Siding Spring from Roger Groom on Vimeo.

Date of Observation UT: 2014-08-22
Time of Observation UT: 15:00
Observer Name: Roger Groom
Location of Observation: Perth, Western Australia (-31o54’S, 116o09’E)
Camera: SBIG ST8-XME (bin 1×1)
Filter: Red Astronomik Type II (not Type IIc)
Exposure Time: 67 x 300 sec (mean combine)
Plate Scale: 0.84 arc sec/pixel
Position Angle: 0 degrees 26 minutes from North
Axes: North-up, East-left
Processing notes: Mean combined 67 exposures with sigma reject to assist with removal of stars.